Monday, November 21, 2005

A New Day

This morning I woke up Tony. Usually, I try to be cheery and say, “Good morning, Tony. It’s a new day, time to get up” and he responds with something very endearing like, “Shut up, Fat Girl.”

But this morning, I said, “Tony, you asked me to wake you up early for Patrol. It’s 6:50, time to get up” in the cheeriest voice i could muster. To which he responded, “Thank you, mommy.”

Trying not to faint, and daring not say more, I walked out of the room. Turns out he saved his rudeness for his father this morning, who didn’t quite get out of here before everyone got up this morning.

I’m back to my desk and 127 emails to read, respond to, and file, along with about 15 phone calls (which is a LOT for me, as I hate the phone) and the filing project I had to do before I left that I didn’t done. I only have this one day to work this week that I can really work as tomorrow I’m out on a home visit all day and the next five days there is no school....

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