Monday, December 19, 2005


I worked hard on my desk today. Actually got most of it done. But tonight I’m crotchety.

I find that if I work hard all day long then then by 7:00 or 7:30 I am just exhausted. I am in some kind of daze and I just sit around waiting for bedtime. I don’t want to do a THING.

I am working on a compilation of welcome videos to sell as a fundraiser for church. Each Sunday I put together a video of pictures from the last Sunday or two using this song.

If you read the lyrics you can see that they perfectly describe the way that a true community of faith should relate.

So tonight using IDVD I created a compilation and went to burn the DVD. I got one done and started the second. If you know anything about it, the encoding takes a couple hours. So encoded, burned one, and when I was getting ready to burn the second of 15 or so that I need to do, the program froze and I had to restart it. BOOM, there goes four hours of time. I have to redo all the encoding again.

So that, along with the fact that I didn’t get any of my work done today and the fact that we have family therapy with John for the first time with this therapist tomorrow and the fact that it’s so stinkin cold have made me crotchety. Last night I was so tired I went to bed before my children... just laid there waiting for them to go to bed. Nearly fell asleep while Dominyk was watching Jim Carey in the Grinch until Tony got out of the bathtub and came straight in and did something to make Dominyk jump and scream next to me, ending my brief nap. So, before I bore you more with all kinds of other stupid annoying crotchety comments, I’ll stop blogging for tonight. I’m sure that will make everyone happy.

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