Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas program

Last night for the first time ever we had a Christmas program where we seemed downright NORMAL (except that we have 10 kids, which automatically makes us abnormal).

Bart and I sat in the 2nd row so I could take pictures. Rand sat with us and so did Kyle, and they seemed to enjoy the antics of their siblings without being too critical (a definite first). John sat a couple rows behind us with a Hispanic family that he is really identifying with right now. Salinda was the narrator and did an awesome job. She was so perfect and looked so beautiful. She acted like she was 25 instead of almost 13. Tony was a shepherd, Dominyk and Ricardo both had speaking parts, and Sadie was an Angel. They all did awesome. My battery ran out half way through, of course, and before Sadie had the angel costume on. Notice the nice Nike socks and Etnies shoes my shepherd is showing the crowd... (you gotta click on the picture to see it bigger)

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