Sunday, December 18, 2005

A Good Day

Yesterday was a good day. I had Kyle as my captive audience for our four hour trip home, something that had never happened before. And I talked his ear off. I don’t really even think he enjoyed it much, but I think he felt he owed it to me since I had to come get him when he promised we wouldn’t.

When we got home I did mountains of dishes while Bart dried and the girls visited with us (boys went to the pool and fitness center with Kyle). Then I finished up the movies and announcements for church that I have to do every Saturday. I also had to do a baptism video for a baptism today. I tried to get it all done quickly so I could talk to Bart about doing stuff with the kids. He was content to just stay home. So I offered every child the option of a movie last night with dinner out or shopping after church on Sunday (I know, I know, desecrating the Sabbath, my parents would NOT approve). So, Rand, Jimmy, Ricardo, Tony, Dminyk and I saw the Legend of Zorro at the cheap theatre after dinner at La Fiesta. This restaurant is my all time favorite Mexican food because it is totally authentic -- like the food I ate in the country of Mexico, not Tex Mex, Taco Bell, or some other fake imitation. I have found their Tacos Al Carbon to be exactly like the tacos that I could purchase from street vendors in Mexico City. I close my eyes and the flavors take me back.

We got home fairly late and called it a day.

Lately I’m finding myself wanting to spend more time with my kids than I have time to spend. It’s weird, as I truly am a workaholic at heart, and for years some of them were so unpleasant that being with them was hard work. Now I’ve changed and they’ve changed and some days I just don’t have as much time to be with them as I wish I did. Odd, but cool.

Today the girls, John and Kyle if he wants to will go where we can have some lunch and they can finish up their Christmas shopping. Tonight is our church Christmas program and a taco feed afterwards.

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