Monday, December 19, 2005

Start of a New School Week

Wow, my topic titles are brilliant lately, huh?

A couple weeks ago I had “the Monday Morning from Hell” . This morning was the opposite. One of the reasons is that I let up on my “have to teach my kids responsibility” modus operandi.

Usually I want my kids to learn responsibility, so I don’t help them out much, especially as they get older. I don’t look for their stuff, I don’t pack their backpacks, I don’t check everything. Sometimes this leads to difficulty, but for the most part it has led to more responsible kids. However, it breaks down a little bit with kids who need meds and they haven’t kicked in yet.

So some mornings I just say to myself, “Forget responsibility -- I just want peace” like this morning. Bart was kind enough to get the first wave of kids out the door, and I just gathered Dominyk’s stuff myself. So, I gave myself some peace, and since it was 5 below, I gave them a ride and had them to school by 7:35.

Today I have finally reached the limit as to how much I can tolerate myself and HAVE to clean of this horrible desk. So that is my task for the next few hours, in addition to several family-related phone calls. I’ll get to my job after that (and hopefully get time to post some pictures, or blog some of the other topics I’ve been wanting to blog).

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