Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Much better start to the day

Had a 7:30 IEP meeting and Bart woke up sick in the night, so I had to get everyone up and out the door together by 7:20 if they wanted a ride, and since it is a HIGH of -14 (with wind chill) today, they wanted a ride.

WE worked hard last night to make sure that everything was ready, so that helped. Dominyk was the only one who needed any help and we actually made it. I wasn’t even the last one to the meeting.

My arm doesn’t hurt quite as bad this morning, I have more motivation, and everyone seemed to be in fairly good spirits this morning.

Most of my days aren’t like yesterday. Most of my days go fairly well considering how much I have going on. But as Alexander taught us years ago, some days are just like that (terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days) ... even at the Fletchers.

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