Monday, December 05, 2005

my stupid arm

So, what hurts my arm you ask?

Well, let me tell you.

a. moving the mouse
b. driving
c. folding laundry
d. cooking
e. washing dishes
f. holding the phone
g. smacking kids (OK, just kidding, just kidding. It was a joke all you CPS workers. Don’t call my county!

Now, let me ask you a question?

What else besides what is on the list above do I do in any given day?

VERY LITTLE. That’s the answer. Very Very Very little else.

Now, if it hurt my arm to say, jog, or lift weights, or do situps, or even ride an exercise bike, I’d be PAIN FREE.

But No...... it’s gotta be my right elbow and it has to hurt when I am doing the absolute least amount of moving a human being can possibly do.

I don’t know how I“ll get everything done tomorrow if it still hurts -- I did get the bash mailbox cleared down to 195, finished one post placement report, had my phone post placement visit, and made beans, rice and salsa for supper -- Cindy's recipe -- and they were SO good.

Now I’m playing taxi carting kids here and there and then will hopefully be in bed within a few hours.

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