Friday, January 27, 2006

Calm, Mellow, Night

Tonight is a calm night in our house. But before I tell you about the calm, let me tell you about the storm.

Right before dinner John decided to get into it with me. He was determined to get my goat and I wasn’t even sure why. He worked hard at it and pushed and pushed and pushed. He was in rare form, twisting my words and saying things that were intended to just really make me angry. One of the things he “shared” was that he is offended when I say he dresses like a Gangster Wannabee (and get this--) because he really is a Gangster. Now he isn’t any more a gangster than I am a super model, but he THINKS he is one and there was no changing his mind. Facts mean nothing in conversations like this, I’ve learned. Apparently, all you have to do is be the right race and say you’re in and all the sudden you’re a gang member. Anyway, it was an interesting conversation -- one which I finally realized was just his begging for attention in whatever way he could. I don’t know why I even bother to do anything but listen as my words mean nothing and there is no logic.

Another interesting conversation between Mike and Bart revealed that we do nothing for him (this is the kid who is going to have me get up early to drive 30 miles to pick up his girlfriend, drive them to the recreation area to snowboard, PAY her way in, and give them money for meals, then pick them up, drive her back home, and then bring him here, not to mention the oodles of money we spent on him last weekend.

Anyway, after all that, the calm began. Dominyk is at a friend’s house (the first overnight of his life). Rand, MIke and Jimmy are at the H.S. Basketball game. Salinda is ice skating with friends. That leaves us with only four kids here and it’s been quite nice. I took my time in washing the dishes, listening to music while I did. Actually enjoyed the time alone. I did something oh so very odd during my dishes time.

Then finished watching a movie with Bart and John because I promised I would that I did not enjoy, but didn’t express that, and then read a chapter of a book with Sadie. There has not been an argument, a melt down, or any screaming, either by parent or adult, all night long. We may even make it til bedtime!

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