Friday, January 27, 2006

Reason #1 Why I Want to Stay Here Forever

I may post several of these as we come close to the “will we stay or will we go decision” probably being made next week, but not necessarily being shared with us this week. (And then, just so you know, if we are moving, I will not be able to blog about it until 1) The church where we are going knows; 2) The church we are leaving knows; and 3) our children know. And it WILL be in that order, because we have children who cannot keep a secret.

Anyway, here is reason #1 why I love where we are. Everything is within biking distance in this town. Two miles from our house to everything. And so I don’t have to play Taxi Driver unless it is very cold.

I do not want to play taxi driver. I like being home and being able to get things done. If we move, it will probably be to a larger town or a city and I will have to be in that van day and night.

Right now our schools are all connected on one campus and the football field begins across the street from our house. Our kids are “walkers” and again, I don’t have to taxi anyone to or from anything -- not games, not dance practice, nothing at all unless it is VERY VERY cold.


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