Sunday, January 15, 2006

Dominyk at Night

While this was not taken late at night, Dominyk is THIS energetic and bright eyed even right before bed. Last night, Dominyk was so hyper and out of control. He is like the energizer bunny and when he sleeps in and doesn’t get his meds exactly at the right time it makes it worse. And, to take things to a whole new level, now that Mike is back home he is sleeping in a room with three kids who snore.

OCD and snoring are not a good mix. He can’t get his mind off of the snoring in order to relax and sleep. And so he lies there and about every 10-15 minutes he can’t take it any longer and screams, at the top of his lungs, STOP SNORING.... thus waking up half the house. If he can get to sleep first, we’re in good shape, but if everyone else is asleep first, we’re in trouble. Last night, we were in trouble -- so finally we gave up and brought him into the recliner in our room.

While we’re wanting to go to sleep, he wants to talk. He speculated about what the child would look like if I had sex with a donkey. Bart tried to patiently explain that a) I wouldn’t be having sex with a donkey; b) if I did I would not have a baby; and c) that having sex with animals is wrong. I left that conversation to head to the bathroom. When I returned Bart had quieted him down, but now he was saying, “Mom, sometimes I start thinking about our existence. You know, like how we exist, why we exist, if we really exist.”

I just said, “Dominyk, existentialism is not something we can talk about late at night. It’s a deep subject and we need to be well rested in order to discuss it.

He seemed satisfied with my response, thanks be to God.

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