Sunday, January 15, 2006

My Husband has had a Momentary Lapse in Judgement

We eat a lot of fast food. Actually, I guess that should really read, we used to eat a lot of fast food and now my family eats fast food and I eat nothing.... for today and tomorrow anyway, and then after that I will eat nearly nothing. But you knew that.

Anyway, I do the ordering. I have probably already bragged on this blog about how I can order for everyone without writing anything down. Yup, all 12 of us, I can order without a pen. And it has gotten harder over the years.

However, I don’t do Subway with everyone. It’s too stressful. That long line, all those choices, a menu hard to decipher for littles, I haven’t taken anyone in years.

Today after church, Bart told me to go on home and he would take everyone out so that I didn’t need to smell the food and get hungrier. Very nice of him. But when he told me he was going to Subway, I realized that he had temporarily lost his mind... I can’t wait to see how stressed out he is when he returns.

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