Monday, January 23, 2006

I Feel Like I Might Vomit

and it isn’t surgery related.

A couple of very annoying things happened today to push me over the edge. One is an ongoing issue about a family financial matter and the other is work related.

I hate stress. I hate that feeling hanging over my head that something very bad could happen.

And topping it all off is now that I am no longer in bed everyone is back to their endless barraging of me. I am dealing with things that didn’t get dealt with months ago or weeks ago or days ago in the parenting realm and I am feeling more like vomiting every minute.

One of the hardest things about dealing with FAS is that a kid with FAS wakes up every day like it’s a new day. And so he/she really wants everyone else to act like that is true as well. The past is the past, right? “Why do you have to bring it up?” I try to explain that life doesn’t work this way ... that the past does not disappear and that other people have memories. But it never goes well.

And then there is passive aggressiveness that I just can hardly tolerate. Pester me and bug me until I finally give in and agree to do what you want me to do and then the minute I agree, refuse to do it in order to punish me for not doing it the second you wanted it done. AGH!

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