Monday, January 23, 2006

Right Back Into It All

First of all, I need to report that I did not sleep well again last night. For some reason, Bart was snoring like a hibernating bear worse than he has since he got a C-Pap (not to be confused with Pap Smear) a year or so after we were married. I was used to it then, but last night it was driving me crazy. I wasn’t tired and I couldn’t sleep.

So I started my first day “back at it” tired. I had my doctors appointment this morning, came back, answered email and made my 2 oz of soup, headed back to the van, and went to pick up the kids (I couldn’t drive this morning, so a friend dropped them off when she took me to the doctor). We went to a movie that I’m embarrassed that I enjoyed so I am not going to tell you what it was. Ha.

After our movie, which Mike and John and I saw, we had 15 minutes until the movie that the girls and Dominyk saw was over. I usually sit down and play rigged Nokia bowling. This time I thought, “hey, I could get my daily exercise in now and joined the mall walkers (theatre is at mall). I walked 10 straight minutes, got my heart rate up to 132, and only had horrific back pain at the very end. I was surprised that I even thought of doing it and it was a good use of time. One of my goals is to get exercise in ways that don’t take chunks of my time. I’ve been thinking up lots of possibilities.

Then I came home to nasty news that I referred to vaguely in my previous post. I answered a few emails, did a lot of dishes, and then had an unpleasant conversation trying to get to the bottom of a story about a girl snuck in here last year with her shirt off or some such nonsense. That was not pleasant as everyone involved is an adolescent and is also deceptive, defensive, and angry.

Then Dominyk got obsessed with how bad a mother I am and went on for a long time.

I then did a few more dishes, answered a few more emails, handed out some consequences, and then sat down to 2 oz of the broth of the incredible stew that Bart made for supper. Everyone sat there gnawing on large chunks of beef and huge, buttered home made crescent rolls while I slowly sipped broth and prune juice. Following supper I helped Salinda figure out her new trumpet songs, spent a half hour talking to one of the moms from a family who will finally be getting their kids (she reads the blog -- Hi there Mrs. A).

Now I’m blogging and trying to decide how much extra energy I have to do what tonight. Tomorrow morning we have therapy with John and have some shopping to do and THEN, MAYBE, I’ll be able to get serious about working.

I then called Cindy and realized that my life is GREAT. What she is going through with Sarah, that I’m sure she’ll blog later, is so much harder than anything I’ve gone through today, or this week, or even this year. Remember to pray for her.

Finally, I helped Audrey get her links on her blog, picked up Mike and John from the gymnastics meet they went to see and now I’m finishing this blog entry before I go upstairs.

I think I will be tired tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Dont you love it when everyone has a different "story" Sorry you couldnt sleep. My hubby has a cpap too :)??I didnt get much sleep cause we had one of those discussion nights, where we lay in bed and just talk and talk and talk ... really!
