Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Just a Tiny Wee Bit Intense

I had a friend call today to make sure I was OK. After me explaining how I was (in comparison to how he was interpreting the blog) he pointed out that my personality was just a little intense.

Well, Duh. He has known me since I was 12 and spent thousands of hours with me. I would think he could read through the intensity of my posts and see that maybe I was just in the heat of the moment and there was no need to be alarmed.

I have thrown myself into work for most of the day, completing a couple of huge projects. If I could get one more done today, I would feel even better.

I am starting to feel somewhat self-absorbed and that my blogging is pathetic. I am hoping that I can see beyond me and start blogging about the kids.

Truth is, though, that blogging about some of the kids is even depressing. We tried to reward Mike and John for doing well, and now three of the other kids are jealous and angry (one of them being the kid who, bar none, has had more money spent on him than anyone else in our home ever will). Dominyk got in trouble for having a knife in his backpack for the 2nd time in two years and even though he turned it in himself (and I think it’s a miracle it hasn’t been more than 2 times in 2 years) the school is alarmed.

But, knowing myself as I do, this is a slump..... and I’ll be back at it. If even ONE of the stressors would be cleared up (the move, the court thing, or who stole the cash card) I’d be relieved.

Back to work....

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