Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Work your fingers to the bone and what do you get?

Productivity and your mind off your troubles, that’s what I say. I finished the match bash charts and I completed a website for matching specialists to match with during the bash today, as well as keeping up with my email. I also finished a post-placement report that was hanging over my head and way overdue. I then did 3 home visits and got those reports written right away this time. I just completed a home study update and am proud of myself for CRANKING out the paperwork. Now I have nothing to dread for tomorrow .... well, almost nothing.

I asked the kid about the cash card and they all looked like innocent baby deer, staring at me as if they had no idea what I was talking about. Seven or eight of them didn’t. The other one or two did. I felt like Jesus at the last supper, except that I didn’t know who it was that betrayed me.

My bottom line conclusion on this though, is that I was stupid to say the PIN number outloud, and careless to lose the card. I should know better than to be stupid enough, in a house full of kids with special needs, to tempt that way.... The card is cancelled, we’re out at least $140, and hopefully I’ve learned that it isn’t quite time to start trusting everyone yet.

Another day has gone by -- another day closer to the resolution of the other two major Hanging in the Air issues -- WIll we stay or will we go? And “How did I screw up the court papers?”

It’s late. Bart did bedtime so I could get this paperwork done. I look forward to a day of follow-up and matching tomorrow.

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