Friday, January 20, 2006

Like a Race Horse

This is a perfect word picture of how I am feeling.

I am a race horse. (Now, I am sure with all the liquids I’m drinking, you are thinking that I am going to say something about peeing like a race horse, but this post actually has nothing to do with any bodily functions. I’m trying to save that stuff for the Shrinking Slob blog).

Anyway, I’m a race horse and I am in the starting gate. I am ready to sprint down that track if I have to. But truthfully, I would be just as content to have the race cancelled and be able to walk away. The stress is in not knowing whether or not there will be a race.

The amount of work that will have to be done in transitioning this family if we have to move is inconceivable. And depending on when we are notified, we will have a maximum of 4 months to do it. We have 6 kids on IEPs, with another one pending, so the school piece will be huge. We have arrangements to make for driver’s ed this year for 3 kids.... we have summer camp and summer jobs. This is not to mention what would happen if we would be appointed to a church with a housing allowance instead of a parsonage. Then we would have to buy a house during those months as well. And I’m getting offered opportunities to speak nationally and not sure I“ll have time to do so if I am busy preparing to move. And I haven't even mentioned packing, sorting, decluttering, cleaning. AAAAAAAH!

So, IF this is something we’re going to do I’m chomping at the bit to get going. If it’s not, I can relax and focus on other things. But I either want them to lift the gate so I can get moving, or tell us there is no race. I have learned to be happy wherever I am, so that is not an issue, but I’d sure like to know if I’ll be racing this Spring. It changes everything.

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