Saturday, January 21, 2006

Slowing WAY down

As mentioned here I am not feeling as well as I did the first few days and am not sure why. But I’m getting discouraged because I have lots to do and a lot of kids. And, now that Bart took off this week to take care of me when I was feeling better, now that i’m feeling worse he has a funeral today and church and nursing home tomorrow. I can’t drive, so I can’t do any errands or help at all even when I felt like I could.

Part of my discouragement comes from the fact that it is a three day weekend. I am the social coordinator and we always try to do at least one thing every weekend that involves the kids. Whether it is going to Walmart and stopping for lunch (like I’ll ever want to eat out again (Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order? yes, please, I’d like a fruit and yogurt parfait without the fruit or yogurt please).

So, the kids are used to me planning fun things for them and I had big dreams that on Monday I’d be able to at least do something, but right now I’m not sure what will happen. I will go to the doctor and nine and then go from there. Trying to get Bart to agree to do something fun when he is stressed with the work he missed and all he’s done around here this past week (which is TONS) makes me feel bad. But the kids keep asking “Are we doing anything today?” forgetting that the whole family can’t do anything when there is only one driver.

I am now thinking I will probably not even go to church tomorrow and I was definitely planning on that.

I will reiterate: I just wish I knew what exactly was wrong. Am I eating too much? Not enough? Not resting enough? Not exercizing enough? Eating the wrong things?

I’m going to study the diet again and see if I can figure out the key.


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Claudia-I have no experience with what you have gone through. But with such a major surgery, couldn't this just still be your body adjusting to such a change? Plus I know you are taking care of yourself, but maybe you did a bit too much when you were feeling good? I'm sure it will be reassuring once you have met with your dr. on Monday. Hang in there. (Do you have a power pt projector at home or to borrow from church?) Kari did a cool thing with theirs one night and the kids loved it--it's in her blog--I don't know how to link it to you, but maybe you could do that activity in the house and have popcorn, etc.)oops, sorry about the food part! It's in here Oct. archive called Outdoor Theater.

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    This hapened to me one time after surgery! I felt so good the next day, I went to work. On day 3? OH MY GOSH!!!!
    It was the strong pain meds I took in the Hosp. that finally wore out of my system! Take more pain meds. That should do the trick. Don't wait till the pain is so bad, if you take it on a reg. schedule, it will work better.
