Thursday, January 26, 2006

Literally Making Me Sick

Sometimes I just get literally physically sick when stress is abounding. When I returned tonight, I had a couple of pieces of very bad news and John had not yet apologized. We had a meeting with his social worker and he was swearing he wasn’t going to talk her (referring to her in not so nice terms) Then we found out that the court hearing for John has been postponed AGAIN so the county still has custody of him until March.

All that stress really freaks me out and my fingers get cold and I feel like I am going to throw up.

Some of my co-workers talk about getting rid of their stress by exercising. I actually went to the fitness center so that I could come back and report on the blog that it didn’t work.

But surprisingly after only 10 minutes on the exercise bike I felt better. My mind seemed clearer, my hands certainly were not cold, and I no longer felt like I was going to throw up.

Check here to see how my first lunch out went.

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