Friday, January 27, 2006

The morning Routine

Since learning about the flylady a few years ago, I have known that whenever I wanted to have a cleaner house, I had someone who could help me. Now I’m not the “typical” person who she usually speaks too as I don’t have a problem loving myself or with low self esteem (the Lord knows the opposite is often true). However, her reminders and her coaching can really work.

One of the things that has really helped me is the Morning Routine. If I follow this, I feel much better about myself. Now that I am having more energy, I have put it in place again.

In addition to getting myself and my children up and them out the door, each morning I try to:

put away any clean clothes in my bedroom
make my bed
throw in a load of laundry
finish loading or unload the dishwasher
wipe off kitchen counters

If I can get that much done, I can sit down at my computer and work feeling much better about the beginning of my day.

I am planning to add some more of her techniques as time goes by. She even has a whole guide to moving which we’ll need some year.

I also have the alarm on my computer set to go off every 75 minutes to remind me to change the laundry so when I get lost in the zone which may happen again today as the matching bash is next week.

It’s nice to be feeling like I want to be doing more instead of less and not to be quite so tired...

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