Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A New Day

Things are starting to fall back together in my life. That doesn’t necessarily mean that all is well, but it does mean that things are going back to somewhat of a routine after surgery.

Last night I had one of those “parenting marathon” nights. That’s when I call them. When there is one emotional crisis demanding parental attention after another for hours. It started with Tony melting down because we had bought John and Mike new clothes that are more expensive than usual (trying to reward them for a first month home that has been so good). Then I blew it with Mike, as I described, and that led to him refusing my apologize, him saying some things that burned me (i.e. buying me stuff is not a reward. Normal kids parents buy them stuff all the time. (This is after a weekend where we spent $500 replacing some of the things he needed plus buying a snowboard as a reward for how well he’s done the last month). Then Rand completely refused to do an assignment which resulted in me being cussed out more than once and him having to go to his room for the night at 8:00. Most everything resolved itself by the end of the night.

This morning was fine. I was greeted by Dominyk with, “Well, I sure got a good night’s sleep” which made me smile.

I’m actually going to spend 1/2 hour having ice water with friends I used to exercise and have breakfast with. They are some of the funnest women in town -- the judges wife, the ex-mayor’s ex-wife, and a hilarious very-community-involved woman. They are in their fifties and two of them have been friends since high school. They called and invited me since they knew I had had surgery. Said they wanted to see the “before” me.

I rejoined FlyLady to try to get back on track with the house now that I have more energy. I did this a few years ago and it really helped to keep me on track. I shined my sink last night and this morning put away two baskets of clothes, made the bed (no, that doesn’t always happen). changed the laundry, and finished loading the dishwasher all by 7:30 a.m.

And, for those of you who care and love stats as much as I do, for some reason yesterday I hit an all time record number of visits to this site in one day. I like that...

And here’s more exciting news.

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