Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Salinda's game

I went to Salinda’s game. She did pretty well but the team lost and she didn’t score, which is unusual. She’s so fun to watch -- so graceful out there. During the game one of the girls saw her mom for the first time and and greeted her with, “Where’s my Gatorade?” I leaned over and translated for her. I said, “What she meant to say was, ”Hi, Mom. Great to see you. Thanks for coming to my game.“ The parents around me got a laugh and we all comment on how utilitarian we are at this age.

Dominyk was sledding but got cold and came into the game to sit by me. When I saw him, I looked over at him and said, ”Do I know you? Why are you choosing to sit by me? I mean, I’m glad you did, but I’m not sure we’ve met!“ He rolled his eyes at me and said, ”Ih hate it when you do that.“ I just laughed and gave him a hug.

When I was leaving the game he ran ahead and was waiting by the van. When I arrived he said, ”Do I know you?“

Gotta love that kid.

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