Tuesday, January 24, 2006


For once I’m not feeling poopy, but this story bears repeating.

Last night Dominyk came in our room about 2:15 wide awake. We asked what he was doing, and he said, “getting clean boxers.”


“Because the other ones are dirty. Don’t you hate it when you think you are farting and diarrhea comes out?

“yes, Dominyk.”

“I hate it when that happens”

Ten minutes later I hear this crash. I walk in to the bathroom and Dominyk is standing there.

“What happened?”

“I was trying to check and see if I wiped all the poop out of my butt.”

Apparently, he had lost balance when he was inspecting because whatever position he put his body in just wasn’t working.

This morning we resumed the conversation.

“Have a little trouble checking your butt last night?”

“Yup. I fell over.”

“That’s funny, I think I’ll blog that.”

“You better not. Or I will punch you. Right where they took out the staples.”

“I’m going to blog that too.”


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I am sitting at my desk laughing hysterically loud at this amusing story!!!! A co-worker has no clue what I'm laughing at, but he started laughing, too -- either with me or AT me. Yeah, probably AT me!

  2. Claudia, it's a good thing I don't have staples in my stomach right now because I would have busted them by laughing! I just wanted to make sure that you know the "scientific" term for this phenomenon...he "sh-arted". My husband has another name for it..."gambled and lost." As you can tell we've had these same conversations at our house.

    Thanks for the laugh! ~Kari

  3. I LOVE IT! That is hilarious!

  4. Anonymous10:47 PM

    This is a familiar story at my house too! I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing it! LOL! Thanks for the story!
