Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saturday, What a Day

When I woke up this morning I had five goals:

1) Get my bedroom cleaned so that when I had to live in it for 5 days it didn’t drive me nuts (including having clean sheets for my post-op experience);

2) Getting the kitchen in tip top shape so that Bart didn’t have to deal with that;

3) Getting my office organized and cleaned so when i came back to work it would be easy to get started again;

4) Get laundry done including socks so that Bart wouldn’t have to mess with finding socks when I was laid up;

5) Getting the video/slides done for church.

It’s 2:25 p.m.

Bedroom is done. Big boys did the kitchen for me.

Half way through the desk cleaning and the slides are half done.

Just have the laundry and the older kids are hogging the machine...and the office, which I may or may not get done to my perfection.

Fortunately, the kids have been relatively low maintenance today. Only two huge meltdowns and otherwise all has been calm.

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