Saturday, January 14, 2006

Why I have 8 boys and two girls

This is not going to be about why I have ten kids all together. That is a mystery and one that I don’t even want to try to analyze at this point in time. This is about why, of those ten kids, 8 are boys and 2 are girls.

I have blogged about this before but I can’t find exactly where that was and I’m tired of looking. But the reason that we have more boys is because fights with boys are over pretty quickly. They may argue, they may cuss, they may even threaten to hurt you, but when they are done they are done...

Not so with girls. Hateful, spiteful, vindictive, nasty comments come pouring forth and then it is a day or three days or a week of nasty attitude and avoidance of the family and all the rest. My day was going fairly well until I had to confront Ms. Nasty Pants (Salinda) about hitting her sister (the boys in this family, according to her, should be given the death sentence for touching her, but she can hit her whenever the mood strikes and without penalty.

I had a lot of much calmer nicer things I was thinking about blogging today, but all that left me with the sentence, “Well, I guess I should EXPECT THIS. It’s not like this is the first time you’ve lied.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I think boys are easier too, but not having your Dau. talk to you for a few days, can also be NICE!
