Wednesday, February 22, 2006

But Most of the Time A Person Isn't Surprised

So this morning I go to get Mike up and he is not in his bed. I figure he has run during the night again and get fairly stressed out. Fifteen minutes later I see him on the bottom step. I ask him what he is doing. “Waiting” he replies.

I said, “Well, I didn’t find you in your bed 15 minutes ago so I assumed you were gone and I let Dominyk get in the shower.”

About five minutes later I realize that he is fully clothed. I ask him, “Why are you completely dressed?” To which he responds, “Stop asking so many f***** questions. It’s getting annoying.”

Yup, I’m the problem. It’s me.

I had to point out, because I couldn’t take it any more, that I’m not stupid enough to believe the stories they make up. “Just because I stop asking questions and don’t consequence you, doesn’t mean I believe you. I’m not as stupid as you apparently think I am.”

That didn’t go over well, but with my pride somehow I just can’t let them think I’m buying it.

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