Tuesday, February 21, 2006

House News

Well, we agreed on a price on the house....we offered, they counter offered, and we settled. Now we just have to see if the church can up our housing allowance a little for us to buy it. So, some of the stress is over.

If we get it, I will certainly post pictures ... which reminds me, I better download the ones online to have them just in case...


  1. How in the world do you find time to blog so much with nine kids? I can barely keep my head above water with two. LOL

  2. Congratulations, Claudia! I'm glad to hear you got the house...and in a neighborhood so close to mine! Let me know if you need a walking buddy this summer!

  3. Congrads on the house. I am really happy for all of you! I know this has been a huge stressor, but also know you are a woman of faith.

    so .... now to just discover what adventures God has planned for you in this neighborhood eeh?

    Lori VH

  4. Woohoo Go God! Im excited for you, will you gain a lot of space? What bout the updates, did you get that worked into the price? Im full of questions today arent i?

  5. Congratulations! One major hurdle down, which helps ease the stress load. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures.

  6. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Welcome to our neighborhood! I hope I'm still here when you move in so we can be neighbors at least for a little while! We are so happy for you and we are sure you will be happy on this street. Awesome neighbors! Marge
