Wednesday, February 15, 2006


We had hoped to take the kids sometime this weekend to see our future hometown. However, tons of complications have come up. Weather is one, the fact that we are going to look at houses tomorrow is another, and the fact that Bart has meetings requiring him to be gone from Sunday to Wednesday is another. So, the 4 day weekend, with no school on Friday or Monday, is turning into going nowhere and doing nothing, except being home alone on Sunday and Monday without a vehicle big enough to transport people and with no husband for support.

We were also going to add the new van in the shop getting the $1800 worth of repairs from my little accident last week to the mix, but we changed that.

I could add some more interesting details that further complicate things, but it might confuse the best and brightest of you. I know my head is spinning...

However, if it snows tomorrow and we don’t go, we might change our mind about Friday-Saturday.

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