Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Winter Storm Warning

Tomorrow we’re supposed to start house shopping and I’m really excited. Our realtor found one house that wasn’t on the market that I think might be perfect and I want to see it! But now there’s a Winter Storm Warning. School could be late or cancelled or roads could be too bad to go, and then I’ll be more than crabby.

But for now I’m going to just plan on being able to go and look forward to it until it’s a sure thing we can’t go -- the opposite of Bart’s approach to things.

Today I’m doing some more shredding as I sit at my desk, going through files, etc. while I respond to emails. Seems like it is at least a step in the direction of packing.


  1. Dare I ask where you are looking? We are looking sorta west central of the twin cities, where we are now. Its looking like we may have to rent a year (blech)to pay down our van first . Sigh ....

    I'm excited fro you, what are you lookign for in terms of bedrooms etc,I have my must have list and what i want but can live without!

  2. Cool, mankato is a nice town. We are connected up here with jobs but heres hoping the storm disapears and you can go house huntiong!
