Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Contrast

Yesterday was super stressful. I was dealing with the Realtor, for one thing, and trying to answer all the questions she needed for us to make an offer on the house (the big enough but very outdated one). In addition, the kids were super restless. And it culminated with Mike not coming home.

Yesterday I worked at listing things on ebay from 10 a.m. until around 7 p.m. and because of all of the interruptions and the incessant misbehavior of the children, I only got 15 items listed in the whole nine hours.

Today I tried something different. I came home and told the kids that since there were only six kids here (one of our awesome friends took Rand and Jimmy to dinner and a movie with her son and MIke’s missing, as you know by now) I would take them to a movie IF they gave me some time to get things done. In less than 2 hours I have been able to list 12 more items. It’s amazing the contrast between cooperative children and uncooperative ones.

I should have made the same deal yesterday. I’d have gotten the same amount done. Of course, everything I’m earning from this whole adventure will probably not even pay for today’s movie. AGH.

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