Monday, February 20, 2006

Fun in the Midst of the Pain

We actually had fun yesterday. The six kids who were with me were appropriate, grateful, and seemed to sense that I needed a little break from the constant bickering and nastiness.

And no, Mike is not yet home. I’m not even sure what else to do or how to respond when he returns. Because he will, at some point.

I leave Sunday for a trip to El Paso (which reminds me that I should post my speaking schedule on the blog somewhere). Before then I have 4 post-placement visits and a placement to accomplish to getting ready for the Matching Bash and get my powerpoints done before I leave.

There is no school today and I want to get so much done while parenting 8 (possibly 9 if Mike returns) kids alone. I would like to do the following:

Post more ebay stuff
Set up 3 of the 4 post placement visits
begin working on match batch charts
get my desk cleaned off
spend time at the fitness center
make supper
Get powerpoints done for El Paso/Houston Trip

and that there, though it seems simple, is about 3 days work

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Can't wait to meet you. I hope we can become friends when you move to Mankato. We have been foster parents for about twenty years and are now raising two young fellas fourteen and eighteen, which will be our last! They are both ADD and possibly FAS. Kari told me about you. Bless you and your husband!
