Monday, February 20, 2006

Conversation with Mike

At 2:30 today, exactly 41 hours after he was supposed to be home, Mike calls my cell. I’m at the grocery store.

“Hi, Mom. I’m back with David (friend I dropped him off with). Can you come pick me up?”

“Mike, do you realize that it’s about 2 days later than you’re supposed to be home?”

“Yeah, but the people I thought were going to give me a ride home couldn’t.”

“I thought David said you got in their car.”

“yeah, but they said they couldn’t bring me home and I couldn’t find a phone.”

“Well, I’ve been worried about you and haven’t been able to sleep well.”

“Well I haven’t slept for two nights.” (like that is somehow my fault)

“I’ll come get you, but don’t mention the word Trust to me again.”

“If that’s what you think.”


So now I got cortisol running through my brain and my blood pressure is rising, but I call him back.


“Where do you want me to pick you up?”

“Did you hang up on me?”

“No, I thought you hung up on me.”

“No, I didn’t. Where should I pick you up?”

“How about Casey’s?”

“I can’t pick you up at David’s?”

“No, I’m a long way from there.”

“OK, whatever.”

So, I’m off to get him. He is SO FAS.

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