Monday, February 20, 2006

This F****** Family

So, I drive over to get Mike. I decide that no matter what I say to him, it will be the wrong thing so I decide not to talk and when he is ready we’ll talk. So he said not a word the entire ride home.

However, he smells horrible, so ten minutes after we get home I tell him, “Before you eat at our table, I’d like you to have a shower, because you smell pretty bad.”

“I won’t be eating with you but I’ll take a shower.”

Why not?

Because I don’t want to be a part of this f****** family.

What have I done except for forgive you and come give you a ride? I haven’t even said anything to you.

That’s exactly it.

I figured you’d just say I was yelling at you so I decided I would wait until you were ready to talk, but either way it doesn’t make you happy.

Just SHUT UP. I don’t want to talk to you. DOOR SLAMMED.

A half hour later he shows me a card trick. I said, "I'll be ready to talk to you when you're ready."

"I don't want to talk to you" he says.

But he will. When he wants something I'll make him go through the "what should you have done to do the right thing in this situation talk" so that I can feel like a decent parent. Even though none of it will ever sink in.

I feel exactly the same way I did on this day.

1 comment:

  1. Im sorry but im glad hes home safe at least.
