Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I feel awful for being crabby but I am. My husband took me out for lunch and I was out of sorts. I started by spending $60 and saving $306 at JCPenneys, which usually makes my day, but I was crabby. I even ate some tasty food (about 1/4 of as much as I usually do) at one of my favorite places to eat, but I was still crabby. Now I am home and I’m crabby. I have no reason to be crabby, but I’m crabby. (How many times can I say crabby in one blog post?)

The basis of my crabiness is the fact that my teenagers are unwilling to respect my wishes -- they expect tons from me, but unless I consequence them, they can’t do as I ask. This includes our college student. Do they ever get to a point that they can just do what we request without having to be forced to????

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