Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Way it Always Goes

My luck stinks. Here I am crabby as can be, and the way I usually solve crabby is to take a nap before the kids come home.

So, I am finishing up a couple not so great phone calls, and I was going to head upstairs when I hear lots of pounding. It turns out that the people who I have literally (no exaggeration) been trying to get to come to fix windows in our house since the summer of 2003, showed up to fix them unannounced just now.

So, instead of napping I’m going to listen to pounding, and instead of feeling better and more emotionally ready to face the kids, I’m going to feel even crabbier.

Some days it just doesn’t go the way it’s supposed to, no matter how hard I try.

1 comment:

  1. I so wanted a nap today too but the baby and the toddler did not nap at the same time and by the time I was ready to crash, everyone was up!
