Monday, February 20, 2006

It's All Relative

This is a true story.

As I was heading to pick up Mr. I-think-I’ll-just-be-gone-for-40-extra-hours-Mike from a town thirty miles away, I was listening to Christian radio. The DJ was talking about how his weekend was almost ruined. He said that he had overcome something that could have ruined his weekend because he chose to remember that God was in control and that he could be a victor in Christ Jesus. I was all ears. What almost ruined the DJs weekend?

He went on to explain that the lid to his favorite water bottle that he had had for 8 or 9 months had fallen underneath a counter at Super America and that it was too far gone to ever be retrieved. He had been tempted to be very discouraged and let it ruin his weekend, but he was an overcomer.

Now this wasn’t a televangelist who exaggerates everything. This was just an ordinary DJ telling what he believed to be an honest, personal heart-felt story to connect with his listeners.

Well, people, let me tell you something. An incident like that occurs in my house at LEAST five times EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is so commonplace that it is not even blog-worthy in my mind. We find toothpaste smeared all over walls, a class ring from High School stolen, a cash card missing (quite recent as you know, and serious enough to be blog worthy), our clean clothes dusted with foot powder, the dog sporting expensive cologne, kids wearing my new Adidas socks in the mud, and I could go on and on and on. Every single day this stuff happens.

I’m feeling pretty proud of myself that I’ve been able to feel that God was in control and that I can be a victor in Christ Jesus on a weekend where I’m parenting alone, I have a kid missing, we’re making an offer on a house we may not be able to afford, I can’t eat very much because I have a band around my stomach, I can’t find any psychic space to concentrate enough to do my jobs, and my kids are melting down all over the place because of the anxiety of an upcoming move.

But a lost water bottle lid? Good grief. Go to Sheel’s and by another one. Even the nicest kind aren’t more than $20.00.

I am not sure whether or not I should be grateful that my faith has been increased through trial or envious that my life isn’t more simplistic, where the worst thing that happens all weekend is a lost water bottle lid.


  1. Claudia, I worte a post about Object Permanence since it *SO* my son. I linked your post and your blog to my post. Just wanted to let you know, and say thanks for sharing your wit and wisdom. I enjoy your blog.

  2. Claudia,
    I don't think that most people have any clue about what kinds of things that we deal with on a daily basis...the story about the water bottle lid struck me as being very funny! I wonder what the poor man would do after a weekend in our houses?! Just like weight lifting builds muscles, lives like ours build faith and patience.

    A friend told me something last week that I would like to share with you. I was saying that I felt somedays like I was just surviving and not making any difference in the lives of my kids. I was tired that day and all I could see were the problems that never seem to get any better. I wondered outloud if someone with more money or someone who had the time and ability to homeschool, someone with a stronger faith, etc...would be a better parent for my kids.

    This wise adoptive mom said to me, "God gives each of us the grace that we need. You are the grace that He placed in your kids' lives."

    You have awesome faith muscles, Claudia, and you are the grace in the lives of more people than just your kids. Hang in there...we are all hangin' with you. ~Kari

    (I will probably smile every time I take a drink out of my water bottle from now on!)
