Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Live from Houston

I'm blogging at the bathroom sink because it's the only place in the room with the wireless signal and a plug in. The table which logically would be the place to blog, is void of the signal needed.

I'm not going to blog much tonight because I'm too sleep deprived and thus discouraged and don't feel well at all. I had 4 hours of sleep last night and ate too much for supper and things are not going as well at home as I had hoped, so I am at the end of myself.

Tomorrow or the day after, when my 18 hours from hell in Houston are a vivid and more humerous money I will blog what happened last night. I am sure that after I get some sleep it will be histerically funny, but at this moment it isn't.

Check out Bart's blog... it helps to show how we are attempting to cope with what is going on. For tonight though, I am safe, though tired and feeling sick. I am going to go to bed around 7:30 as I have to get up at 4. Hopefully by the time tomorrow is over, I will be much more emotionally ready to face the remainder of my life. Right now I want to drop off the face of the earth and not reappear.

But that's my exhaustion talking...

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