Monday, February 27, 2006

Things that Happen in Minnesota

for some reason do NOT stay in Minnesota. I had a horrible time going to sleep last night thinking off all the things that were bothering me at home. And then I wake up twice in the night to go to the bathroom and it's the same story. All those troubling thoughts come pouring into my mind.

Have heard from Bart this morning already and apparently Mike wasn't sleeping in his room last night. Bart thinks he was in th house, but who knows.

Also, Rand sent me an email at 1:30 this morning MN time. Do you think if you were going to be out of bed using a computer without permission that you would send an email to your mother? Maybe, if you're Rand. Or if Mike knows how to use Rand's account maybe he did it.

Oh how I wish things in MN could just stay in MN when I leave.

Off to speak all day today. Hope everyone has a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Hope things have settled down for you. Its really hard to be away from home when you feel pulled back to home.
