Saturday, February 25, 2006

My Bags are Packed...

Well, almost anyway. Still need the projector packed. Am worried I’m going to go over the weight limit and have to check the projector. Better pack a smaller bag inside in case I have to. At least i“m not carrying all the literature this time.

Cindy is trying to get me to use Skype and in doing so I got my USB mic out and was messing around with Garage Band. Oh do I wish I had some free time to mess around and create things with all the stuff at my fingertips, but the temptation will have to be ignored as there are many other things I should be doing instead.

Since I feel so crappy though, I may not get much more done before I leave... I may actually just veg in front of a TV tonight. Unheard of, I know, but I don’t feel like I can do much else.

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