Saturday, February 25, 2006


After the whole fiasco Mike, who was told last week BEFORE he decided to disappear, that he was receiving his last ride out of town, asks again today. This is one of the downsides of FAS -- forgetting. He comes in expecting a yes and then is shocked to get a no. I said something like, “Not interested in that. Tried it last week and didn’t like the results. I learn from my mistakes.” By the time I was half way through my sentence he was mumbling something and walking out of the room.

John has gone with no other description than “out walking around with friends.” We usually don’t allow that, but I figure he’ll get caught at some point. I don’t believe for a second that in 28 degree weather he is going to walk around for 4 hours without going in someone’s house, so we’ll just wait and see when he gets caught.

However, it is unsettling to know that these guys think they are outwitting me.

I also do not feel great physically as I can’t find a balance with how much to eat to feel good yet full, nor how to regulate my bowels. TMI?

I’m getting close to being done with what I need to get done though, so that’s good. May even have time to watch a dumb TV movie tonight or something.

The whole “are we getting the house for sure” deal should be resolved this week and another unresolved situation has actually come to a head (with one of my adoptive families and the court system. That’s not to say that I’m happy, but at least we can move towards resolution). So, things are going to resolve themselves one at a time I guess. Just takes so long! I’ll be glad when a lot of this unsettling stuff settles.

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate to you on the whole limbo of the house thing. Its literally driving me batty! Have fun on your trip!
