Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Nothing Accomplshed

My other blog friend Cindy asked me how I have time to blog with 9 kids when she has only two. It’s called S-C-H-O-O-L and the fact that mine are older. I wouldn’t have time if they were younger.

The second thing is that this is a stress reliever for me. I sit at home alone working every day. I have nobody here to talk to. So when I need to vent, I tell blogland.

I have gotten nothing done. After I got the kids off to school, I started the day with a couple bad phone calls. Then I was trying to get things together for the mortgage banker, when I found out that I needed to do it quicker than I thought I did. I also found out that Bart wanted to talk to John after school, so that I had to change my time at the fitness center. So I left to go get that done, then went to the P.O. and the church to get the stuff I needed for the banker. Then I came home to sit down (after a couple laundry loads) and got a call that they could start fixing the new van that I ran into the guard railing a couple weeks ago today instead of tomorrow and they wanted me to bring it down. So I left to do that, and when I returned I had to change laundry again. Then I couldn’t get ahold of any of the people I needed to.

And I am surrounded by all the work that I have yet to start. I am running out of time as I will be gone on placements and post-placement visits for almost 12 hours straight tomorrow, and I have another one tonight. I have to get the stuff ready for my trip as well.

And my inbox is at 106 and I have to deal with all of them -- I’ve already deleted the ones I could.

I don’t know how much more I can take... all the stress, all the work, and sleep deprivation and I’m feeling closer to the edge than usual -- although I’m not really sure where the edge is, as I’ve never gone over it...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you make time for blogging! I enjoy reading about your life!
