Wednesday, February 22, 2006

So, Can you Feel It?

Is my stress being spread throughout the nation? Is it palpable everywhere or just here in my office?

Physically I feel like crap... because I can’t figure out how to regulate my own literal crap.

Emotionally I’m beyond stressed. The response to Bart and my efforts to help Mike and John has been less than favorable.

I spent most of the day finding, faxing, and making phone calls about the house. I have very little done that needs to be done before I leave.

I always get like this before I leave but the addition of knowing we are moving plus having to do 4 post placement visits and one placement visit in 3 days AND having boys that think they can come and go as they please is quite the combination. That and the fact that I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since Friday night is leading me in a strange direction.

The suggestions people gave are all things we have tried. We have locked them out before -- they break in. We have done serious short groundings. In fact, we have tried variations of everything that everyone suggested. I appreciate your input, but right now I feel like we’ve tried it all to no avail.

I know that the bottom line is that we remain outwardly as calm as we can. I feel like inwardly we might self combust, but they don’t know....

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