Monday, February 13, 2006

Object Permanence

One of the stages of development, the sensory motor stage, from 0--2 years, includes Object permanence -- the knowledge that objects continue to exist and have their properties even when out of site.

I heard somewhere that if children are abused and neglected during a certain stage of life that they may not grasp this issue.

My 300+ lb 6’5“ son missed object permanence. He believes that if his parents are not where they can see him, or he them, we cease to exist. For this reason, he doesn’t need to do his chore unless we’re there to check it, he lost his job (because his boss left the room and he stopped working, but the boss CHECKED later), and he thinks that if we didn’t SEE him do something, we don’t know that he did it.

Great example: Yesterday he spent church using his Dad’s cell phone to send 47 text messages to his buddy that was sitting next to him thinking we’d never find out.

We found out. He lied and said he didn’t do it. We laughed. But see, we weren’t there to see it, so how did we KNOW?

1 comment:

  1. Thats my Dustin to at "T". It is crazy sometimes to wrap your mind around how thwey think isn't it? My mom always says "we have to remember that his brain is broken" when we start talking about "How in the world did he think that?"
