Monday, February 13, 2006


Decluttering -- that is what we need to do big time before we pack. I really want to move forward and do things but I’m almost frozen in time.

Feb 26-March 1 I will be in El Paso and Houston, doing matching and then March 12-17 I’ll be in Arizona seeing my folks. Bart and I will speak in Minneapolis on the 18th. Anyone want some kids to spend the night with them on March 17th? ;-)

Then in May Bart has a conference in Atlanta, so I’m going down to see friends (including meeting Cindy's family as well as three other families in SC that I’ve known for years.

So, taking out those dates, I have about 65 school days to accomplish everything before we move. The other days will be weekends and school breaks, which may not be productive. Sixty five days is not very much time.

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