Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Over Active Bladder and Over Active Mind

I’ve discovered that this is a bad combination. I have to get up to go to the bathroom a minimum of three times every night. That in and of itself if fairly annoying, but the fact that I have a mind that kicks in the SECOND I way up is beyond frustrating.

All of the troubling thoughts I could possibly have seem to jump into my mind on each and every trip to the bathroom. And then I have trouble going back to sleep because I’m fixated on them.

Today we have therapy with John. Yesterday we met with his guardian ad litem. That went fine. In therapy he will say everything is fine and then a few days or weeks later have another blow up session at home. I am not sure whether to get into it in therapy or if he will see that as one more reason that he can’t trust us (he’s gathering a list).

So those thoughts, and many many others, flood my mind and my over-active mind goes bonkers every time my over-active bladder awakens me. Woe is me... but I’m not complaining too much -- I realize it could be much worse.

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