Tuesday, February 07, 2006

All Clear

Well, Salinda finished her snit, which means that Sadie finished her snit. Sometimes we call them Siamese Twins or simply UNIBRAIN. Mike survived his first day home from school. John is out of commission because he is sick, and everyone else is pretty mellow at the moment.

So, tonight I am going to watch a movie on WE. Maybe my daughters will join me. I hardly ever watch TV but find my self, during waiting time, unable to do other things at night. Not knowing, combined with not being in control exhausts me.

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I've just come across your blog and am enjoying reading it. I've got 4 children (1 adopted of Japanese/ Rarotongan backgound) and 3 grandchildren. Teenage years- I'm JUST past them, my youngest turned 20 2 weeks ago!
