Thursday, February 09, 2006

Perfectionism and other Time Traps

I am making myself stop obsessing about Dominyk’s picture above and the fact that I forgot to remove the red eye from it. I could take a few more minutes and redo it (in fact, I tried once, but blogger went back to the picture I already had. I can fix it, and I want to, but i’m telling myself no.

I’m sure I’ve blogged about this before, but one of the challenges I have in my life is that there are so many things I want to be doing with every minute of my life and I don’t have time to do them all. My temptation today is Photoshop TV. This is a new video podcast that you can subscribe to for free, download, and learn several cool new tricks every single week. I downloaded my first one this morning and OH how I want to watch it all. But I have to tell myself “no” as I have a project to finish before I leave this morning.

I wish I could either clone myself or live on less sleep or something. There is so much in the world I want to see and do and only so many hours of the day. I just don’t understand people who can say they are bored.

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