Thursday, February 09, 2006

Staying Out of It

One of my parenting techniques is “staying out of it” something that I learned somewhere along the way. This applies in many situations.

Mornings with Dominyk have never been easy. We have started medicating him about 20 minutes before he has to get up, and this has helped. But he still is so distracted that it can be very frustrating. I used to try to get him ready and it was ultimately frustrating. By the time he was out the door I was a basket case.

I learned a while back that if I leave him alone, eventually he will get ready and make it to school on time. He won’t do it with any kind of speed, and he won’t do it in the order I want him to, and occasionally he’ll go with dirty teeth, but he does get out the door. And if I focus on other things, I don’t get nearly as frustrated.

In fact, he leaves happier too (even if his hair is out of place). I took this picture right before he grabbed his coat, headed out the door and said, "Bye Mom..... Love ya!"

Staying out of it -- a great parenting technique.

1 comment:

  1. My slogan is "Don't do something. Just stand there." I confess that I think I read that somewhere...Probably a Faber and Mazlish book.

    At the moment things are "interesting" (remember the Chinese curse about living in interesting times?) right now. I don't know if my "Just stand there" philosophy is being vindicated or proven foolish.


    I read your blog regularly. If you have time (she laughs quietly to herself), I would love another perspective.
