Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Role Reversal

My husband and I make a pretty good team but it isn’t because we have “traditional” roles. As you know, he is the chef. I am the one who assembles mechanical toys and fixes the wireless internet that reaches every corner of our home when it gets messed up. He does the grocery shopping, I am responsible for getting my van serviced. We share laundry duties, he cleans the bathrooms, I watch the kids play sports, he irons, and I take loads of excess garbage and large castaways to the land fill.

He also is the nurturer. If a child is sick in our house, I tell them to buck up. He brings them things, feels sorry for them, holds, cuddles, etc. If someone hurts their finger, I tell them there is no bandaid if there is no blood, but he’ll kiss it,t make it better, and hand them two or three bandaids if they think it will work.

Today John is sick and in bed. He has the same sore throat and cold that everyone else has had and we all got up, got done what needed to be done, went to school and work. But he’s home and I’m home and he will stay in his room (family rule) and I’ll force myself to check on him (if Bart isn’t home at all, which he’s not planning to be). Sad for John that he didn’t get sick on Bart’s day off.

I finally have a day without meetings -- the first one in a long time, so I’m going to try and get things done at the desk. I need to sort through files and start throwing things away.

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