Sunday, February 26, 2006

Safe and Sound

The traffic will lull me to sleep tonight here in El Paso. Britni the Best, whose name is really just Britni Best, who is getting married and changing her name to something much less cool (unlike a woman I know whose last name is Dyck who got married and chose not to change it)... any way I digress.

Britni and I are chatting and we are going to be going to bed soon. Travel was uneventful. Even got in early.

Right before I left Tony was riding with Bart to take me to the airport (along with Mike and Jimmy -- Mike is hoping to buy indigo ink (for a class project. Ha. How dumb do we think he is? He wants to tatoo himself. But Bart is pretending he thinks it is a school project). Anyway, Tony is being so annoying that I finally say, "Tony, I wasn't looking forward to this trip, but now I am. You have been so awful on this trip that I'm going to be happy to get away."

To which he responded, "We're all VERY glad you're going."


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