Monday, March 20, 2006

Back in the Saddle Again and Again

Once again I’m thrown back into the midst of it all.... so much to do, so little time, and not enough energy.

I left for our trip with a clean desk and came home to one stacked with things to sort, read, etc. I also have to do a post-placement visit today 2 hours from here, so I will be gone most of the day. Bart is not happy about eating dinner without me again, but I can’t get home in time for it -- I will try to get home for at least part of the meal.

this is a BORING blog entry. Boring, Boring, Boring. Guess I’ll better get to work.

If you need some encouragement, the verses in my Scripture as I see It entry for today are the BOMB (as some of my kids would say).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Comment on your scripture entry: Thank goodness God is holding on to our hands! When we started this process 30 years ago, we didn't know it was aacceptable to talk about the problems and heartaches of adopting special needs kids. We didn't know where we could go for help and we didn't know we were entitled to it. We just struggled through it, no diagnosis, no helps, and even less understanding from our family and friends. Thanks be to God! He didn't let go of our hands and somehow we got through it. Now our daughter, Kari, has adopted special needs kids, and knowing you and Linda, and reading Paula's and Cindy's blogs, I know that there are huge differences in the processes, education and helps available. BUT, I also know that God is still holding your hands and bringing you through it. You are amazing women who are not afraid to fight for what is due your kids. I admire you all greatly!
